Source code for clep.sample_scoring.radical_search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Carry out Radical search to identify extreme samples in the dataset and give them a single sample score."""

from typing import Callable, Optional, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF
from tqdm import tqdm

def _get_ecdf(
        obs: np.array,
        side: Optional[str] = 'right',
        step: Optional[bool] = True,
        extrapolate: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Callable:
    """Calculate the Empirical CDF of an array and return it as a function.

    :param obs: Observations
    :param side: Defines the shape of the intervals constituting the steps. 'right' correspond to [a, b) intervals
        and 'left' to (a, b]
    :param step: Boolean value to indicate if the returned value must be a step function or an continuous based on
        interpolation or extrapolation function
    :param extrapolate: Boolean value to indicate if the continuous must be based on extrapolation
    :return: Empirical CDF as a function
    if step:
        return ECDF(x=obs, side=side)
        obs = np.array(obs, copy=True)

        num_of_obs = len(obs)

        y = np.linspace(1. / num_of_obs, 1, num_of_obs)

        if extrapolate:
            return interp1d(obs, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
            return interp1d(obs, y)

def _apply_func(
        df: pd.DataFrame,
        func_list: List[Callable]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Apply functions from the list (in order) on the respective column.

    :param df: Data on which the functions need to be applied
    :param func_list: List of functions to be applied
    :return: Dataframe which has been processed
    final_df = pd.DataFrame()

    new_columns = [index for index, _ in enumerate(df.columns)]
    old_columns = list(df.columns)

    df.columns = new_columns

    for idx, i in enumerate(tqdm(df.columns, desc='Searching for radicals: ')):
        final_df[i] = np.apply_along_axis(func_list[idx], 0, df[i].values)

    final_df.columns = old_columns

    return final_df