Source code for clep.sample_scoring.limma

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Python wrapper for R-based Limma to perform single sample DE analysis."""
import sys
from typing import List

import click
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.rinterface_lib.embedded import RRuntimeError
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri, Formula
from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests

[docs]def do_limma(data: pd.DataFrame, design: pd.DataFrame, alpha: float, method: str, control: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Perform data manipulation before limma based SS scoring. :param data: Dataframe containing the gene expression values :param design: Dataframe containing the design table for the data :param alpha: Family-wise error rate :param method: Method used family-wise error correction :param control: label used for representing the control in the design table of the data :return: Dataframe containing the Single Sample scores from limma """ label_mapping = { key: val for val, key in enumerate(np.unique(design['Target'])) } # Get the control patients using the control parameter control_filter = (design.Target == control) # The data is transposed to get in the same format as the design matrix & then after the filtering transposed # again to return to the original format ctrl_data = data.transpose()[list(control_filter)].transpose() # Here the sample stands for diseased patients sample_data = data.transpose()[list(~control_filter)].transpose() ctrl_design = design[list(control_filter)] sample_design = design[list(~control_filter)] # Final output dataframe (patients as rows & genes as columns) output_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=sample_data.index, index=sample_data.columns) # Loop over every sample to get the individual limma based SS scores for col_idx, col in enumerate(sample_data.columns): data_df = ctrl_data.copy() # Get a single sample from dataframe data_df[col] = sample_data.iloc[:, col_idx] # Add the design of that sample with the control samples to make the design table design_df = ctrl_design.append(sample_design.iloc[col_idx, :], ignore_index=True) output = _limma(data=data_df, design=design_df, alpha=alpha, adjust_method=method) # Only store the logFC values output_df.iloc[col_idx, :] = output['logFC'].values.flatten() label = sample_design['Target'].map(label_mapping) label.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) output_df = output_df.apply(_bin).copy() output_df['label'] = label.values return output_df
def _limma(data: pd.DataFrame, design: pd.DataFrame, alpha: float = 0.05, adjust_method: str = 'fdr_bh') -> pd.DataFrame: """Wrap limma to perform single sample DE analysis.""" # Import R libraries base = importr('base') stats = importr('stats') try: limma = importr('limma') except RRuntimeError as e: click.echo(e) click.echo("Please check if limma package is installed in R. \n If not, follow the instructions from LINK " "HERE.") sys.exit(1) # Convert data and design pandas dataframes to R dataframes with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter): r_data = ro.conversion.py2rpy(data) r_design = ro.conversion.py2rpy(design) # Use the genes index column from data as a R String Vector genes = ro.StrVector( [ str(index) for index in data.index.tolist() ] ) # Create a model matrix using design's Target column using the R formula "~0 + f" to get all the unique factors # as columns f = base.factor(r_design.rx2('Target'), levels=base.unique(r_design.rx2('Target'))) form = Formula('~0 + f') form.environment['f'] = f r_design = stats.model_matrix(form) r_design.colnames = base.levels(f) # Fit the data to the design using lmFit from limma fit = limma.lmFit(r_data, r_design) # Make a contrasts matrix with the 1st and the last unique values contrast_matrix = limma.makeContrasts(f"{r_design.colnames[0]}-{r_design.colnames[-1]}", levels=r_design) # Fit the contrasts matrix to the lmFit data & calculate the bayesian fit fit2 = limma.contrasts_fit(fit, contrast_matrix) fit2 = limma.eBayes(fit2) # topTreat the bayesian fit using the contrasts and add the genelist r_output = limma.topTreat(fit2, coef=1, genelist=genes, number=np.Inf) # Convert R dataframe to Pandas with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter): output = ro.conversion.rpy2py(r_output) # Adjust P value with the provided adjusted method output['adj.P.Val'] = multipletests(output['P.Value'], alpha=alpha, method=adjust_method)[1] output['logFC'].loc[output['adj.P.Val'] > 0.05] = 0 output['logFC'].loc[np.abs(output['logFC']) < 1.3] = 0 return output def _bin(row: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Replace values greater than 0 as 1 and lesser than 0 as -1.""" return [ 1 if (val > 0) else (-1 if (val < 0) else 0) for val in row ]